Serverless Architecture

Serverless architecture allows you to focus on the development of application without thinking about the details of the infrastructure. Therefore, it saves you time in the development of your application.

You develop your functions and handlers and then connect events to your handlers. That's it. This approach also called Function as a Service (Faas).

Serverless Infrastructure Providers

There are a couple of cloud providers that have serverless service. They are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, Google Cloud, Firebase, Cloudflare, IBM Cloud and Alibaba Cloud. There are differences between them. This article focuses on the supported programming languages of these cloud providers.

Serverless Languages

In the chart, the left-hand side lists the available programming languages and the right-hand side lists the cloud providers. If there is a link between language and cloud provider, that means this language is supported by that cloud provider. As you can see that not all languages supported by every cloud provider except AWS and IBM cloud has a Runtime API or Docker that supports every language on top of that. Javascript is the only language supported by every cloud provider.